Saturday, August 17, 2019

Day 4: Back To Victoria

Today i went back to g and gs house and Mazzy came.
Quiz number 2 💩 hahahaha:  What movie did we watch????????? A: E . T
B: Toy Story 2 C: 101 dalmatians. Comment which you think it is!
Yesterday we had some smores.

the endddddoooooilikeburritoes.

My new board game


  1. Oh tough one... I’m gonna go with Toy Story 2. When do we find out?
    PS your board game looks fun!!
    PPS give grandma and grandpa a hug for me and give yourself a big one too! Xoxo 💖🎲🎬

    1. PPPS I like burritos too. But I don’t eat them through my bellybutton.

  2. I am going with 101 dalmatians. Dad x
